06.01.2025 London
Today Through Technology publish our latest Environmental Impact Plan showing how we manage sustainability and emissions within our business in support of the planet and the UK Government's specific Net Zero Targets.
In doing so, we confirm that Through Technology remains a Carbon Negative Business. Certified as removing more CO2 from the atmosphere than we have produced. Full details and figures are included in "Beyond Net Zero 2025 - The Through Technology Environmental Impact Plan".

In Summary, in our 6 years of operation....
Our cumulative carbon emissions for the lifetime of the company stand at -77.62 Tonnes of CO2e.
We have reduced our CO2 emissions to just 0.84 tonnes per team member per annum, and
We have now planted 158 trees in accredited schemes in the north-east of England to offset double this residual carbon footprint.
We have now been certified to the Carbon Neutral Plus standard for three years, providing independent certified assessment of our sustainability figures.

Part of our environmental commitment is to share our approach and any guidance we can give on sustainability with any other organisation. So if you would like to know more, please get in touch with us at enquiries@throughtechnology.uk.